Join us as we celebrate a decade of shared ideas and success on February 18,...
Dr. Jacqueline Dibiasie-Samons’ Talk Promoted by TED Global
Dr. Dibiasie-Sammons’ talk has been picked up by TED for global promotion. We hope you will join us in congratulating Dr. Dibiasie-Sammons. Her talk, A Walk...
Beth Ann Fennelly featured on TED’s “How to be a Better Human” series
Fennelly’s Talk, “How Literature Can Help Us Develop Empathy,” is now being featured on TED’s “How to be a Better Human” series and on TEDx Shorts...
Carolyn Freiwald’s talk featured on NPR’s TED Radio Hour
Freiwald’s talk, “The Story of Migration: Your Life in a Tooth,” was selected to be featured on the TED Radio Hour in April 2021. Now entitled...